Nachdem es im Zuge der Kündigungen von 6000 Textilarbeiter*innen in Dhaka weltweit zahlreiche solidarische Aktionen gab, an denen wir uns beteiligt hatten (…/…), haben wir nun diesen Offenen Brief mitunterzeichnet:
In cooperation with the Garment Workers’ Trade Union Center (GWTUC) the following open letter was initiated and is herewith officially delivered to the management of Dragon Sweater Ltd.
Dear Deagon Sweater Ltd./Dragon Group management!First of all we welcome the fact that an agreement between the textile workers and the Dragon Sweater management was finally reached. At the same time we have to acknowledge that the owners got away cheaply, since by far not all payments were agreed on that the workers are entitled to.
We will continue to observe future developments closely. In case we realize that you deviate from the agreement – for example by not paying your dues on the given days – we are ready to become active again by confronting your customers (e.g. New Yorker, Lidl and Walmart). The campaign #UnitedAgainstTheDragon would become even bigger.
Zur Seite des Global May Day, auf der auch alle anderen Unterzeichner*innen zu finden sind, geht es hier: